Feedback Thoughts

For my first reading, I chose the article called "14 Signs Your Perfectionism Has Gotten Out Of Control."  I used to be an extremely bad perfectionist for several years, practically all the way through my education until my freshman year of college. This article really resonated with me, and made me really appreciate that I was finally able to accept myself for who I am instead of constantly thinking that I could have done better. Don't get me wrong, I was really happy with myself for several years because I was able to be really successful in school. But I pushed myself too much to the point where it made me unhappy. When you are a perfectionist, it is so easy to take everything personal and to push back on criticism. I did not take criticism well until I got to college. Then I learned that sometimes criticism is exactly what you need to grow as a person and succeed. When I got to college, I discovered that the professor cared significantly less about your feelings than my teachers in high school did. When I first heard the feedback from one of my professors, I was crushed because I thought I would never succeed in college. But after receiving the criticism, I just started building myself off of the constructive criticism and using it as a tool to improve. Once you get past the thought that the criticism is personal and an attack on you, it makes it a lot easier to use it as an advantage.

For my second reading, I chose the article called "6 Bad Mental Habits That Sabotage Your Success." In my opinion, this is a great article to help us grow in our personal lives.The six bad mental habits are making excuses, catastrophizing the future, seeking audience approval, believing self-doubt, and putting yourself down. Sometimes these may be seen as natural elements to our lives, but they are hindering our successes substantially. I think this also prevents us from being able to accept feedback to improve because we have a mental view of ourselves that is negative. 

When I look back over my years of experience, the main things that I can pinpoint that actually made me better was constructive criticism. Negative attitudes about anything, school or extra-curricular activities, is simply discouraging. But if you know that someone has good intentions and they are actually trying to help you improve, this establishes a trust and you are much more willing to be open to their ideas. It can be upsetting if someone is criticizing just to bring your work down without hoping to help you improve.

Image information: Perfection is Stagnation by Pixabay. Web Source.
