Reading Notes: Arabian Nights, Part B

For the second half of this week's reading, I chose to focus on the second half of the Arabian Nights unit. I enjoyed the stories for the first half, so I decided to continue on with Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp. I focused on the second part of this series. Basically, this second part told the story of Aladdin when he met the king's daughter and decided that he wanted to marry her when he saw how beautiful she was when she was unveiled. He was promised her hand in marriage, but then the king gave her hand to another man - the vizir's son. I would change the ending of this story if I rewrote it. Instead of the king giving her hand to another man, I would have preferred to see her ending up with Aladdin because he fought so hard for her.

Image information:

Genie from Aladdin. Web Source.


Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp 2 from  The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898).
