Week 9 Review

I chose the following image for my review week post since we are now on the home stretch. Since I am graduating this semester, I am trying to stretch myself to make it to the end. I definitely have a feeling of senioritis, but I am trying to not let it affect my performance in these last several weeks.

Cheezburger, Laura Gibbs.

For my video, I chose The Time You Have (in Jellybeans). I think it is so important since we all live such busy lives to really be aware of the time we have on Earth. Although we have priorities, we need to take time to recharge and do the things that we enjoy. Sometimes I prefer to spend time hiking or being outdoors and I may have to stay up a little later to finish my homework. Even if I'm tired the next morning, it was worth it because I know that I am still enjoying the things that make me happy. It is crazy to watch this video and see just how much time we spend doing simple things like commuting. I definitely recommend watching it.
